How SFTP is Secured ?
This protocol is secured using keys called fingerprints in general. The key is called as fingerprints because the keys are also unique as like fingerprints. The Fingerprints works as following
- FTP stands for “File Transfer Protocol”.
- It is an Internet service specially designed to establish a connection to a particular Internet server
- The FTP server allows the Companies and other Internet users to download or upload files and materials from the server to the client and vice versa.
- Users Need the Internet to access it. ie., via a modem or ISDN, etc.
- The user also needs an FTP Client Program.
- CoreFTP and Filezilla Client are some of FTP Clients available
- The FTP protocol also includes commands that can be used to execute operations on a remote computer; e.g., to show folder contents, change directories, create folders or delete files.
- SFTP stands for “Secure File Transfer Protocol”.
- It ensures that data are securely transferred using a private and safe data stream.
- It is the standard data transmission protocol for use with the SSH2 protocol.
- WISE-FTP implements a reliable and user-friendly version of the client-side of this protocol.
- Bitwise Tunneller also can be used for SFTP
- Its main purpose is to transfer data, but it is also used to obtain general access to the FTP server’s file system.
- It runs on a secure channel – no clear-text passwords or file data are transferred.
- Using the FTP protocol is regarded to be very unsafe because a password must always be entered for the transfer.
- The password is subsequently transmitted over the Internet without encryption.
- There are security risks when using it. These include:
- A user’s name and password are transferred in clear text at login time and can be easily recognized.
- When using an FTP connection, the transferred data could “stray” to a remote computer and not arrive at their intended destination.
- Third parties can then download data from the remote system to their computers, or existing data can be viewed and edited. This presents a significant risk, particularly when transferring company confidential information.
- FTP can also be used to determine the passwords of individual users since the password is transferred in clear text when logging on. so, even those with unauthorized access to this network can record the password information
How SFTP is Secured ?
This protocol is secured using keys called fingerprints in general. The key is called as fingerprints because the keys are also unique as like fingerprints. The Fingerprints works as following
- SFTP Connection is not established at the moment user entered his respective user name and passwords
- Before establishing a connection, the SFTP server sends an encrypted fingerprint of its public host keys to ensure that the SFTP connection will be exchanging data with the correct server.
- The first time the connection is established, this key is not yet known to the client program and must be confirmed by the user before data is exchanged for the first time.
- Once you have established a connection to an FTP server and are sure that it is the correct server, you should save the fingerprint information locally. This enables you to check the fingerprint information against the data you saved every time you establish a new connection to ensure that no one is between you and the server.
- Different servers issue fingerprints only once. They are generated by a server’s private key.