As part of the administration, we might have to disable other users to be able to uninstall critical system programs. Also might want to disable the same to prevent them from installing unwanted programs that aren’t complying with the organization’s policy. Read more to see howRead More →

As part of the administration, we might have to disable users changing wallpaper as users may set wallpapers of unintentional content that aren’t complying with the organization’s policy. Read more to see how “Set as Wallpaper” can be disabled.Read More →

As part of the administration, we might have to disable users changing particular display property users may set unintentional content that isn’t complying with the organization’s policy. Read more for steps to disable the particular tab in display options. Read More →

Blue screen errors and Boot failures may sometimes leave the system not repairable leaving us no option but to reinstall the entire operating system. Users of the organization may have sensitive data in windows drive which should be recovered before OS reinstallation. Read more to remap the default locations to another drive so user data is guarded against formatting.Read More →

Keyboard and mouse can be disabled in windows to favor other input devices like Touch screen in some scenarios. Ex: In a railway inquiry kiosk touch screen is available and to prevent an unauthorized person from connecting keyboard it can be disabled. Read more to find steps to disable them.Read More →